Sunday, March 25, 2012

Going On Hiatus

Signing off for now!  But don't worry; I'll be back.  ^ ^ Image from Universal Doll.

I just wanted to officially announce that this blog is going on hiatus.  I don't know for how long, but I hope that when I come back, I'll be more inspired and further along in developing my style than I am now.  There are a lot of things going on in my life that I need to be focusing on as well, so when things calm down and I'm making at least some kind of progress, I'll be back.

Thank you to everyone who read and commented; hopefully you'll come back when I do!  I'll still be reading and commenting on all the lovely blogs I read and looking for more to add to my list.  Hopefully this break will be just the jolt & recharge I need style-wise.

I wish you all a happy spring and much luck in everything you do!

Until next time~

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Around Town II

Hello! I wanted to post today, but my thoughts on what I should blog about are so jumbled up right now, I'm not really sure what to post.  I want to do more personal style posts, but I'm only now just getting a hold of resources that will help with that, so please bear with me!  I'll do my best to show things like makeup shots, outfits, and gets as soon as I can~  Actually, I have some photos for a gets post, including some things I got for my birthday last week, so look forward to that in the near future!

Anyway, I've got quite a backlog of photos building up of pictures I take while I'm out and about on just normal days, so I thought I'd share a few more of them today!  Enjoy~

A bent streetlight I saw on my way home from work this past summer.  How did that happen???

A shot of a lovely sunset taken from the parking lot of the shopping center I go to when I need a Target.

This bumper sticker made too much sense for me not to capture it for keeps. ^  ^

Cute boots at one of my local Forever 21 stores

A beautiful cloudy sky on a November day

One of the parks near my neighborhood on the way to the public library

A very pink car I saw at the Victoria Gardens shopping mall upon leaving Jamba Juice.  XD
That's all for now!  I do have more photos from around town, but those will be another post, so hopefully that's something else to look forward to.  ^  ^

Until next time~