Hello! This is later than I meant it to be, but I'm happy that this post is finally finished! What's it about? Well, the March issue of Egg magazine featured a very interesting article: the infamous Bag Check! If you've never heard of such a thing, a bag check in this case, is where the models show the contents of their purses/handbags. I *love* this kind of article; probably because I think the things you carry around in your bag on a daily basis say a lot about you. So I'm going to show a couple of the bag checks! Oh, and please note that while I did my best, I'm not 100% sure I got everything I outlined from the articles correctly, so if I managed to get something wrong, I apologize in advance. ^_^;;
~ Bag Check #1 - Nemoyayo ~
First up is Yayoi Nemoto, aka Nemoyayo! According to the article, Nemoyayo is usually okay with just her phone and some other small things, but when she goes out she takes her necessities in the black handbag she's pictured holding on the right, which she bought in Shibuya 109. Highlights among her belongings are the Chanel wallet and keycase, the Mickey Mouse schedule book, and her two cell phones. One of the phones is an iPhone that she uses for work and for music! And I *love* the cute Duffy strap; I need to get myself one of those someday~ It's too cute!
~ Bag Check #2 - Mami ~
Next up is Mami! She carries a very popular and stylish Chanel handbag, and it's always full of things, weighing in at 4.0 kilograms (that's nearly 9 pounds!). Key points among the contents of her bag are two pairs of sunglasses, a shiny white Nintendo DSi for when she gets bored or has to wait, and a "brush set", which is a travel-size toothbrush and toothpaste set she uses after eating out. Plus, check out the three makeup cases she carries; one is for eyeshadows, another is for base makeup, and the third is for other cosmetics. Now that's dedication! Oh, and gotta love how she's got the great Chanel wallet, like Nemoyayo, to match her bag!